I Gede Rai AryanataChief Financial Officer

areas of expertise
- Bachelor of Economics (S1) from University of Widyagama Malang, East Java, Indonesia
- Broad experience in finance sector brings strong strategic skills to manage financial operation such as developing and allocating budgets, conducting revenue forecasts and also managing accounts which all are important to achieve the company’s target.
Other currently and already held positions :
Mr. Aryanata is also having position as a Senior Financial Manager of PT Bakrie Pipe Industries and also same position in PT South East Asia Pipe Industries (SEAPI), a subsidiaries PT Bakrie Pipe Industries. Previously he held various position as Branch Manager of Bank Akita (Barclay Indonesia), Corporate Sales Division Manager of PT Lippo Karawaci, Authorized Signer of Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (BPPN) and also Group Head of Credit and Marketing of Bank Metropolitan (Bahari Group).